Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thoughts at "Week 7"

Week 7 Senryus

~What I did~

Paper two

Midterm blog

Eff my life

~What I learned~


Blogger site

Lots to do

~What I felt~

Busy bee

Pulling hair

Birthday soon


Language of "Week 6"

The "Week 6" Elegy

Week six's time has come to an end

and her busy soul lays to rest

Remember the joys of this dear friend

such as the dramatic poetry test

Think back on National Writing Day

with happiness, not blues

And smile at how paper one

was also, finally due

It is week six we will truly miss

along with Dream Boogie and We Real Cool

Please don't cry over To His Coy Mistress

but remember this week's jewel

Her stories held Ruined Maid and Useful Advice

as well as the precious group leaders

Her Anything Else Cafe replies

are open to the grievers

To a Suicide Bomber was her most memorable trait

as well as her dramatic and lyric poetry

Remember week six and how she was great

in giving our minds such clarity


Preaching on "Week 5"

The "Week 5" Ballad

I enjoyed week five in my lit class

although it kicked me in the ass

The second draft was such a feat

I had no time to sleep or eat

Our journal entry on poetry

confused the living hell outta me

The ballad we wrote on murder and love

turned out to be extremely tough

I forgot to watch the youtube clips

and when I remembered, exclaimed: "Oh... crap."

But thankfully my hard work payed off

and the journal entry, not so rough

The ballad turned out pretty good

and other people thought so, too

When Wednesday ended I wanted to die

but all in all I loved week five


What it Means to Say "Week 4"

Party Down at Reed Hall

- Here's what I did this week:

  • Failed paper one due to the lack of an important component

  • Read Shiloh and A Party Down at the Square

  • Learned about style and symbol through the medium of a powerpoint presentation

  • Watched multiple youtube videos from Smoke Signals

  • Spent some time at the Anything Else Cafe

- Here's what I learned this week:

  • Pay attention to detail when submitting assignments (especially papers)!

  • Don't think so hard about being creative - just let it flow out

  • Ask questions if confused

  • Read things more than once if confused (and if they are disliked - this is usually due to the confusion)

  • Knowing the setting of a story makes all the difference in understanding it

  • One does not always have to like the style of a work, but it helps to appreciate and understand it more when a background knowledge of the author is gained

  • Symbolism can be useful and enticing in stories

- Here's how I felt about it:

  • I gotta admit I wasn't too happy about my score but that's what I deserved for being a dumb dumb!

  • A Party Down at the Square was so fascinating and yet infuriating all at once. I didn't fully understand it until after reading it a couple times, also. I think the fact that I was so worked up over the story, the events unfolding within it, and the characters' reactions made me gain a sort of fascination about it

  • Being a Native American myself I thought I would enjoy the Smoke Signals videos and What it Means to Say Arizona but I did not. I found myself mainly just confused at them most of the time

  • I thought the information on style and symbol did not exactly prepare me enough for the Native American work and videos but it was beneficial, nonetheless. Now when looking at pieces of literature I marvel at how styles differ between authors and how obvious some authors are at their style.

  • The information on setting really helped make a difference in understanding the works and showed how very important even setting can be in a story

  • I thought having the discussion forum at the Anything Else Cafe helped make things a lot easier in having only one forum to concern myself with. It was also a nice change of scenery ; )


Thinking About "Week 3"

The Story of "Week 3"

1.) Thankfully the start of our third week began with a nice break, thanks to Labor Day. We got to another one of the professor's unique and insightful videos and "thought" about theme. We read The Red Convertible and The Story of an Hour, both of which I did not fully understand until I was able to view others' posts on the stories. We continued our Wednesday class with the addition of our third discussion forum and were also notified of our first paper assignment; I couldn't complain.

2.) I learned that Labor Day couldn't have come at a worse time - I could've really used that Monday off THIS week! I also learned a great deal about theme and how terribly bad I am at finding it. Listening to others' reactions and seeing others' replies to the stories was nice because it not only helped me figure out the themes of the stories but also gave me an idea of how to determine future themes. One key thing I learned during this week included the discovery that starting papers early and picking the assignment we like most (as opposed to the one we think is easiest) helps in creating a much more stress-free and quality paper.

3.) I feel that although I did not quite learn how to be a theme-finding expert I at least got more knowledge on the subject than I had to start with. I am definately going to be able (and need) to take the things I learned on theme from this class for my future courses and reading adventures. It was never something I really gave thought to in literature until I was more exposed to it in LIT 2000. I remember after learning the basic theme and idea around The Red Convertible feeling like I had lost my brain cells. The theme seemed so obvious once it had been pointed out to me! The Story of an Hour was not quite as elusive to me as the former, and as disturbing and depressing as it was I highly enjoyed it. As far as the paper went, I was excited to be able to write one (it had been my first one of the semester!), however, not as pleased with the choices I was given to write about. They all seemed to have needed much more effort and creativity then I had to extract. It would prove be an interesting and motivating assignment in the end.


How to Tell a True "Week Two" Story

Prologue and Tale of "Week Two"

- The activities I took part in and accomplished during week two were not only enjoyable but furthered my knowledge of the wide world of literature. We took part in our first journal entry (aka free-write) of the semester, "considered" characterization and "explored" points of view through a talking powerpoint, read the comical tale (and even longer prologue) of The Wife of Bath, Died and Gone to Vegas, and my personal favorite, How to Tell a True War Story. In addition to those things, we watched a touching youtube video relating to How to Tell a True War Story called The Things They Carried. Adding to the mix our discussion forum submissions, replies, and praises, it resulted in being quite a busy week but ended on a very positive note. I would be lying if I said I did not learn anything.

Considering "Week Two"

- The question being answered here is what I learned during this week. In two short words: a lot. I learned that free-writing is just what it sounds like: FREE WRITING! I can write about anything and turn it into anything, without any type of structure or any sense if I so wish. I also got a head-start on a project that I am doing for my British Literature course. Thanks to The Wife of Bath I got some early reading done for my project on... The Wife of Bath! I also learned a lot about literature by reading How to Tell a War Story. I had never read a text like that ever before, and as much as I thought I would get offended or become disinterested in the text I didn't in the least. I also discovered that I was not particularly interested in Died and Gone to Vegas and of Chaucer impersonators; he's too hot to touch.

Exploring "Week Two"

- Although the amount of learning was large, it was very beneficial and eye-opening. I found myself enjoying the readings and assignments more than I thought I would and even telling others about them. I feel that my initial joy for literature has increased, especially after reading the "true" war story; for some reason it struck quite a chord within me. I not only thoroughly enjoyed the free-write but even more so the response to it from the professor. I liked her interest and reactions to our inner, scattered, and personal thoughts. Not only was reading the Chaucer tale a nice warm-up to my other assignment, but it was something I can honestly say I really enjoyed. Even though Chaucer is an ancient guy he sure can write some good stuff!


A "Happy Ending" to Week One

My Week One "plot":


Who: Krista N. Hinton and LIT 2000

What: Week One of Introduction to Literature

When: August 24th and 26th, in the year 2009

Where: Reed Hall, room 144 ; Krista's dorm room desk

Rising Action

- Krista did not fully become aware that LIT 2000 was a hybrid course until the first day of class

- Krista's professor was outrageously outgoing and the class was small; there would definately be some intimacy and shell-breaking happening

- Krista had feelings of panic at the sight of discussion forum one and its assignment


- Krista spent almost her entire evening writing a plot for discussion forum one, but she hated it and did not even understand what she was writing

- Krista deleted the crummy plot and started over fresh - without pressing 'save!' She wanted to create a plot she was proud of and attempted to pull out the barely-existing creativity she harbored in her brain

Falling Action

- She completed a decent assignment

- She found the beauty in the discussion forum - a way to generate ideas and receive praise for her own

- She began thinking of the wordle, "Reuinion," "Happy Endings," and the fact that Cedric was in her class, and liked what she thought


- Krista learned how to do a wordle and about two very interesting and varying pieces of literature

- Krista learned a thing or two about plot that she was not aware of

- Krista began to feel much better about the course; she had a feeling her creativity was going to start blossoming and her panic of the class turned into optimism
